Monday 4 May 2015


Hi guys, I have an idea about my custom mob, the Zorlack.
To get the proper enjoyment out of them you must first build a machine.

To make the machine you must have 4 powered rails, 2 red stone torches,1 detector rail, 2 red stone, 1 command block with the code

/summon Zombie ~0 ~1 ~0 {Equipment:[{Count:1,id:iron_sword,tag:{display:{Lore:[Created By RancorHugger]}}},{Count:1,id:chainmail_boots,tag:{display:{Lore:[Created By RancorHugger]}}},{Count:1,id:chainmail_leggings,tag:{display:{Lore:[Created By RancorHugger]}}},{Count:1,id:chainmail_chestplate,tag:{display:{Lore:[Created By RancorHugger]}}},{Count:1,id:skull,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:MHF_EnderDragon,display:{Name:Zorlack Head,Lore:[Created By RancorHugger]}}}],CustomName:Zorlack,CustomNameVisible:1,Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:20},{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:0.7},{Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:7},{Name:generic.followRange,Base:9},{Name:generic.knockbackResistance,Base:4}],DropChances:[0.6F,0.6F,0.6F,0.6F,0.5F],Silent:1,PersistenceRequired:1,CanPickUpLoot:1,CanBreakDoors:1,IsBaby:1}

in it and a minecart.
It should look like this.

I would personally put some blocks around it so nothing could get in but it is your choice.

When it spams too much press the T key and type

/gamerule commandBlockOutput false.

When all that is done test your slowly-growing army by spawning a villager or two.

Almost immediately every villager will die. The Zorlacks will run around their prey at 4 blocks every 0.1 seconds.

I call this the whirlwind affect. The whirlwind affect is when they run super fast and then close in on their prey.

I tested how effective this was by spawning 90 Zorlacks in a village. Every villager died in under 20 seconds!!!!

I have been checking and these little guys are the only minecraft creature to have a hive mind.
Having a hive mind is like being a wasp or bee. When you are in the hive you are smart. When you are not in a hive you are stupid.
This means my creature has to be in a group in order to fight. This hive mind was unintended programming, further proving my theory that mobs have A.I. 


Each Zorlack has 20 health.
20 health is the equivalent of 10 hearts meaning it is the equivalent of a zombie pig man.

Enjoy your Zorlack!

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