Friday 20 March 2015


Ever wanted to walk on another world? What if I told you that you actually are.

If you zoom in on this image you see another planet called Theia. Where do you think Theia went? Given up? OK. Theia is actually what you are standing on. Absolutely ages ago, Thea crashed in to Earth.

Back then, Earth was a lifeless dark gas planet. When Theia crashed into Earth, the atmosphere changed and both planets melted into one. So that's how you are already on another world.

I know what you are thinking; "Why does he have a picture of the moon?"
Well, my answer to you is the moon is Theia. Don't get confused because the moon is actually a cooled down bit of Theia. The moon is really part of another world.

Think of how cool that is! People have already been to another world (at least part of one) and guess what? Some believe that there are actually 3 moons orbiting earth. 3 moons.....really!!! 1.2.3! 3!!!!! But two of them are smaller than the one we see.

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