Thursday 4 June 2015


Hi guys, I have created a fake fact file on a fake animal. You can use this to trick your friends.

The Australian Walker Shark

Hi guys, I found out about a strange species of shark called a Walker Shark. This shark is very rare and can actually walk on land.

This amazing image was taken by a tourist.

Tunga Wohiki, a local tribe man, said "the beasts come every day and scare our people".
The person Tunga is sat next to was his brother Lean. Lean got stung by a Walker Shark only two days ago. The reason he looks as if he died years before is because the venom from a Walker Shark is very corrosive. The shark hits is prey with its nose and then inserts a quick-spreading venom. This way of killing works very well and allows the shark to eat quickly too.
The amazing creature runs at 108-110 km an hour. That is almost as fast as a cheetah.

Before the shark stings you it has to rest for 0.29-1.57 seconds before pouncing.

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